Formalised 1 January 2005
The name of the society shall be The Cave Family History Society (CFHS).
The objectives of the society shall be:
a) To maintain an association of those interested in the origin, history and development of the CAVE family and its variant names.
b) To hold meetings in places of special interest to the CAVE family.
c) To circulate a regular newsletter to all members, drawing attention to matters of topical interest, including reports of research work aimed at the history and genealogy of the families involved.
d) To promote the preservation of documents, monuments, and other material of special interest to members of the CAVE family.
e) To foster, and coordinate the study of CAVE genealogy with the intention of sponsoring the publication of definitive research when appropriate.
f) In furtherance of the above objectives the Society may:
Organise meetings and lectures
Build up a collection of books and other items
Preserve, transcribe and publish source material
Collaborate with individuals and organisations, including the Guild of One Name Studies, and others concerned with the topics above
Support the activities of the Federation of Family History Societies in its pursuit of these and similar objectives.
This Society shall be a member of the Federation of Family History Societies and the Guild of One Name Studies and have the power to associate with other organisations that have compatible and mutually supportive objectives.
Membership of the Society shall be open to all persons showing genuine interest in the Society’s objectives.
Subscriptions shall be payable on the 31st of May each year and a rate to determined by the Societies Committee, subject to approval at the Societies AGM
The Societies Committee may withdraw membership from members whose activities are considered prejudicial to the Society. A suspended member has a right of appeal at the Annual, or Extraordinary, General Meeting.
If a member has not renewed subscriptions within six months of the 31st of May each year then that member will consider to have resigned and will not receive further benefits from the society.
A Committee consisting of members, including a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, shall administer the Society. A quorum shall be two members.
The officers and other members of the Committee shall be elected annually at the AGM. Nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than one week before the meeting takes place. If insufficient nominations have been received prior to the meeting the Chairman may accept nominations from the floor.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members to fill casual vacancies, or for some other purpose, provided that the maximum number of committee members does not exceed five.
Only fully paid up members of the Society may vote at a General Meeting.
The AGM shall appoint an individual to verify the Society’s accounts at the end of the Society’s financial year ending on the 30th of April.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held on the first Saturday in June of each year (except where exceptional circumstances prevent this happening). An account of the Society’s activities and finances shall be presented. Notice of the AGM shall be issued at least 28 days beforehand.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at the request of the Committee or five members with prior notice issued at least 56 days beforehand. A quorum at such a meeting shall be not less than 5% of the membership.
The Constitution may be amended only at an AGM or EGM provided the appropriate notice has been given. Amendments are only valid if supported by two-thirds majority of those present.
All income and property of the society shall be applied solely towards the promotion and execution of the objectives set out in clause 2 above. No officer or member shall receive disbursements from the society’s funds unless it is by way of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred on the Society’s behalf.
The Committee shall maintain proper account books recording all sums of money received and expended by the society.
The Society shall keep its funds at The Yorkshire Bank (or other appropriate means of deposit) and appoint two signatories, the signatures of these two being required on cheques and financial documents. This may be varied as circumstances dictate but cause shall be presented to an AGM or EGM and signatures gained from all present on a document justifying the circumstances. This change will be communicated to all members through the newsletter.
An individual appointed under clause 5 (e) shall verify Annual Accounts.
The Committee may appoint members to hold property in trust for the Society.
The Society may be dissolved only at an AGM or EGM, called for the purpose, by a resolution supported by 75% of those present. The resolution must specify the disposal of the Societies funds, collections and assets, after debts and liabilities have been settled. This may involve transfer to an appropriate organisation or institution with objectives compatible with those of the Society.
© Copyright Cave Family History Society / Est. 1976